Ridge Preservation Near You
When you lose a tooth or have it extracted, your jawbone will begin to recede slowly. Your tooth holds the socket in place and without it, your bone will begin to resorb into your body and the socket will collapse. Additionally, since your jawbone no longer receives stimulation from the missing tooth, it will resorb and shrink. When bone loss is extensive, the placement of a dental implant may no longer be a viable solution. Not only that but treatment will also become more expensive, invasive and time-consuming. Ridge preservation is a form of bone grafting conducted immediately after the removal of a tooth to stabilize the bone in the empty socket.
The Procedure
Once your dentist has extracted a tooth, they will begin to place a specialized bone-grafting product in the empty socket. This material is aimed to promote and regrow bone in the socket. Next, your dentist will stitch a special membrane which will protect the area. The healing process will last between three to five months at which point your dentist can insert a dental implant.
The Benefits of Ridge Preservation
There are several benefits of ridge preservation, they are as follows:
- Prevents substantial bone loss post-dental extraction
- Minimally invasive
- Minimal discomfort
- Makes it possible to place a dental implant without additional graft procedures
- This prevents the need for costly bone grafting procedures in the future
- Preserves a natural-looking smile
Interested in ridge preservation near you? We offer ridge preservation in Los Angeles, CA 90025.