Ridge Augmentation Near You
As time progresses, your jawbone can begin to resorb or recede following dental extraction. Both the height and width of the socket where the tooth once resided will grow smaller and an indentation may form in your gums or jawbone. Ridge augmentation can remake the natural contour of your gums or jawbone. Although ridge augmentation is not performed for medical reasons, it may be required for aesthetic purposes or if you are interested in receiving dental implants.
The Procedure
Soft Tissue Ridge Augmentations
These are conducted to enhance the aesthetics and cleanability of the area. Before beginning the procedure, your dentist will administer a local anesthetic for numbing purposes. Next, your dentist will make incisions to expose the site and place the soft tissue graft. Lastly, your dentist will use stitches to secure the graft in place.
Hard Tissue Regeneration
This procedure is executed to recreate sufficient bone before the placement of dental implants. Your dentist will also begin the procedure by administering a local anesthetic and creating incisions to expose the area being treated. Next, your dentist will place the bone graft and secure it using titanium screws. Lastly, your dentist will stitch the area to close it. Healing will differ from patient to patient. However, it should not exceed six months.
Interested in ridge augmentation near you? We offer ridge augmentation in Los Angeles, CA 90025. Schedule an appointment with our dentist to learn more!