Occlusal Adjustment Near You
Occlusal or bite adjustment is a procedure performed by your dentist to eliminate small interferences that prevent your teeth from coming together properly or your jaw from sliding in its correct position. Interferences may develop:
- As your teeth develop
- From an accident
- Accumulate from gradual wear and tear
- From dental work, including dental fillings, crowns, bridges, and extractions
The Consequences
Since interferences can keep your jaw from completely closing in its anatomically correct position, the muscles of the jaw and neck are never able to fully relax. As a result, you may experience migraines, neck pain, and bruxism (teeth grinding or clenching). Bruxism can lead to bone loss, tooth loss, gum recession and throughout time, you may develop TMJ temporomandibular joint issues without treatment.

Is your bite “off”?
Your dentist can determine if your jaw is off during an oral examination. When your bite is off, you may experience some of the following symptoms:
- Your jaw does not open evenly on each side
- Your jaw makes a clicking noise when you open your mouth
- Your enamel has worn away
- Your teeth are fractured
Fixing Your Bite
Your dentist will first ask you to bite on a wafer-thin piece of mylar paper. The paper transfers color to the areas where contact takes place. Your dentist will smooth areas where the marks were made by removing a sufficient portion of the tooth or dental restoration to eliminate interference. This process will be repeated until your jaw can fit properly into its correct position.
Looking for an occlusal adjustment near you? We offer occlusal adjustment in Los Angeles, CA 90025. Schedule your appointment today!