How To Ensure Speedy Recovery After Extracting Your Wisdom Teeth

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how to ensure speedy recovery after extracting your wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth, also referred to as third molars, can be found at the back of the mouth. We are all blessed with four wisdom teeth: one situated at the top and one base on each side. Unlike the remainder of your teeth, wisdom teeth start developing in your late teenage years or early adulthood.

While developing, the gums around there will part to make space for the teeth to grow. The region close to and around the wisdom teeth can soon become swollen and tender. To counteract further irritation and infection, which can be detrimental to your dental health, a periodontist near you may recommend removing the wisdom teeth. Doing so will require anesthesia as the gums would have to be stitched together to encourage healing.

Treatment following tooth extraction near you incorporates oral cleanliness and general eating guidelines. In any case, you ought to follow a particular diet plan guideline given by your dental specialist to ensure proper oral health. Once you opt to have your wisdom teeth removed, it is essential to avoid certain food groups to avoid possible infection. Softer foods are generally best once you have surgery.

How Long Should You Follow the Recommended Eating Plan?

Patients who had their wisdom teeth extracted need to follow a particular eating plan for a minimum of 2 to 3 days to allow the gums sufficient time to form blood clots. It is critical to adhere to the advice given in this regard to protect the area and prevent irreversible nerve damage. Your periodontist in Los Angeles would direct their patients to follow the special diet for an extended period.

What You Should Drink While Recovering

After wisdom teeth removal, your diet should allow a neutral environment within the mouth region to meet nutritional requirements. It is suggested patients drink plenty of water within the first 24 hours after removal to increase hydration.

Alcohol must be avoided and any hot beverages, carbonated and caffeinated drinks. Do not drink anything through a straw as it may result in undue pressure on the surgical area.

Types of Foods You Should Consume

Cold and neutral foods such as applesauce, ice cream, and yogurt are all good options as they provide nutritional value and the cooling effects soothe inflamed tissue. Pudding, soup, and gelatin are good choices too. Take care to avoid hot, spicy, and difficult to chew foods, which will inhibit the healing process.

Experience Relief from Severe Pain

As wisdom teeth are types of molars you’ll find at the back of the mouth; they can be incredibly distracting and disrupt your sleeping patterns. Often, it will result in an aching jaw and soreness where the tooth rubs against other structures within the mouth, causing tenderness to erupt through the gum line. Your dentist will prescribe some antibiotics and clean the infected area by removing stuck food and bacteria from under the flap of the skin.

Medication for Pain Relief

Pain relievers are often used so the patient may experience relief from dental pain. Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen usually work well to treat pain.

Extraction Procedures

Tooth extraction in Los Angeles is welcomed by those who experience a lot of pain. Your dentist will ensure they numb the area using a local anesthetic, then extract the wisdom teeth. The bone obstruction may also be removed if the area is blocked by bone. Once done, the dentist will stitch the area close.

At times like these, one should not put off visiting experts in wisdom teeth removal, such as Nima Ebrahimi DDS to remedy the situation. If you do, it may lead to other dental health issues, such as fluid-filled cysts in the gum area, which can make it extra hard to remove the tooth that’s in trouble.

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