Dental Implant Consultation Near You
If you have missing teeth, schedule a dental implant consultation with Dr. Nima Ebrahimi, DDS as soon as possible. He can provide information about your dental implant cost and treatment plan during your first visit. Here is a closer look at what to expect during your dental implant consultation.
An Examination
Dr. Satlin will conduct a comprehensive oral examination. This process will provide insight into bone density and your overall oral health. You may need to undergo a bone grafting procedure before the implant procedure if you have inadequate bone density.
Dr. Satlin will use the X-rays and scans to identify the precise implant placement location.
A Discussion
Dr. Satlin will take some time to learn more about your day-to-day oral care routine, health history, and personal habits that may affect the success of your implant procedure (i.e., smoking).
Your Implant Options
Depending on his findings, Dr. Satlin will recommend the types of dental implants in Los Angeles, CA 90025 that will address your needs.
Almost everyone can now qualify for dental implants due to advancements in technology. With that said, you are required to discuss your options with your dentist, if:
You have dental work: Dental implants can reinforce or replace existing dental work.
You have bone loss: If there is sufficient bone tissue in the area, you may qualify for dental implants.
You have existing medical conditions: List any medications you are taking or medical conditions that you have. Usually, if you receive typical dental work, then you will qualify for dental implants.
You have gum disease: Gum disease can hinder the success of a dental implant. Treatment for gum disease may be necessary before dental implants can be placed.
You smoke: Discuss this habit with your dentist, for example how often you smoke and how much. Smoking can also hinder the success of dental implants.
Ready for a consultation near you? Set up your consultation with Dr. Satlin in Los Angeles, CA 90025, today!