4 Reasons to Consider Dental Implants

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4 reasons to consider dental implants

Dental implants are a complete and permanent replacement for missing teeth. They consist of posts made of metal, usually titanium, that are embedded into your jawbone to act as artificial roots and anchor your new teeth. For the implants to work, the titanium posts need to merge with your bone tissue in a process known as osseointegration. This way, they can properly offer stability for the rest of the components of the artificial tooth. After dental implants near you are properly integrated, they will be attached to abutments, which in turn will provide anchoring for crowns. This procedure is designed to provide you with the most natural appearance when restoring your smile. If you’re thinking about replacing a tooth or filling a gap in your smile, then keep reading to find out why you should consider dental implants in Los Angeles.

Are dental implants your best option?

If you’re looking for dental implants near you, but you’re still not sure about it, there are a few facts that can help you make the decision.

  • Preventing damage to your jawbone: If you decide implants are not for you and prefer a dental bridge instead you probably won’t expect to have complications. However, dental bridges make your jawbone tissue degenerate due to a lack of stimuli. In normal conditions, the root of your tooth interacts with the tissue keeping it healthy and active. But without any root around, the tissue deteriorates and starts to lack integrity. The same can be said for dentures.

  • Stop your teeth from shifting: If you leave spaces and gaps between your teeth, they will eventually shift towards the new space. This will not only leave you with crooked teeth but also increase your chances of cavities and gum disease since shifted teeth are harder to clean. If you want to prevent these conditions, consult with a periodontist in Los Angeles. They can explain to you in a more in-depth manner how shifted teeth can lead to dental problems.

  • Preserve your smile and facial features: Another downside of shifting is that it changes the appearance of your smile completely. This can cause your confidence to take a hit and also cause you discomfort while speaking and eating. On top of that, shifting creates bite misalignments that can modify the shape of your face over time and make it look sunken. After all, this problem is important for patients as we all like to look and feel good and of course, young.

  • The option of implant-supported-dentures: If you know anyone that uses dentures, you know they can be a hassle in the long run. They wear down, they become loose, they cause sores and gum irritation, they change the way the lips look, and they limit one’s food options. But they can become a lot more comfortable if they are fixed in place. This can be done by using implant-supported-dentures. If you wear dentures, then this option can potentially improve your quality of life considerably by delivering you a more pleasant and comfortable fit.

Whether you’re after an aesthetic improvement or a functional one, dental implants can be the answer to your dental problems. However, you need to visit a periodontist near you so they can determine if your specific problem can be solved by implants and if your bone tissue is apt to receive them. When the bone can’t support the implant, a bone graft may be needed. This procedure might sound intimidating, but it’s a routine process performed by oral surgeons. If you turn out to be a good candidate, then you’ll embark on a journey towards a better smile and a better you!

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